Lock Re-key – How to Rekey A Door Lock
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If you have lost your keys or have just bought a new house it’s important that you rekey your door lock. Always hire a professional locksmith to do Lock Re-key job for you.
Tips On How to Rekey A Door Lock
You should start by taking a look at the brand of your locks. Chances are that the locks are from different manufacturers. If the locks are from different manufacturers you should buy a re-key kit for each brand.
Once you have the kit you should open the door and remove the door knob. This calls for you to insert the wire tool into the knob hole and depress the knob clip. You should then pull the knob off the door.
When the knob is out of the lock you should push the lock cylinder out of the knob. You should then remove the retainer ring from the cylinder using a retainer ring tool that comes in the re-keying kit.
Using your old key you should turn the lock 90 degrees left or right. You should then remove the key and push the cylinder plug from the cylinder. The best tool to use in pushing is the plug follower.
To prevent the pins and springs from popping out you should maintain constant pressure between the plug and follower. If the springs and pins fall out accidentally, you don’t have to worry. All you need to do is to pick them up and use a manual to reinsert them.
If you successfully remove the cylinder ring without the pins falling out you should dump out the old pins and insert the new key in the lock. Using tweezers, you should match the new colored pins to the color code on the instruction manual. Once you are sure that the new pins are in the right order you should reassemble the doorknob.
This is how you should re-key your locks. You should note that lock brands are different; therefore, you shouldn’t try to use the same rekeying kit on all the brands. If there is any information that you don’t understand you shouldn’t hesitate to contact the manufacturer. If you find it challenging to rekey the locks, you should ask a professional locksmith to help you out.